Work With Scott To

Build Community


Inspire Teams


Engage in Civic Duty


Motivate Employees


Believe in the Impossible


Hit Life's Curveballs


Forge Connections


Build Community + Inspire Teams + Engage in Civic Duty + Motivate Employees + Believe in the Impossible + Hit Life's Curveballs + Forge Connections +


  • Scott is the acclaimed author of The Power of Citizenship: Why John F. Kennedy Matters to a New Generation. Widely praised as one of the best accounts of JFK’s legacy, Scott’s book tour attracted national media coverage.

  • He first practiced law at Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP and is presently Vice President & Senior Counsel at American Express, where he supports the company's innovation strategies and emerging products.

  • Scott believes in the power of building community and the idea that more unites us than divides us. He regularly lectures on the importance of civic duty at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is a double alumnus and an adjunct professor. Scott speaks about the themes of civic engagement and active citizenship to audiences nationwide.

  • Scott is the CEO of a global nonprofit, Believe in a Cure, an organization on a relentless mission to find and fund a cure for FOXG1 syndrome while also providing rare disease families with grants and free mental health support.

  • Scott is the proud father of Eli Reich, who was diagnosed with FOXG1 syndrome at five months old. FOXG1 syndrome is a rare neurological condition that impacts Eli’s ability to walk, talk, or feed himself independently. Scott travels the country to share his story of optimism and resilience. He captivates audiences when discussing the promising breakthroughs in gene therapy that have the potential to treat Eli and others like him. Scott’s nonprofit, Believe in a Cure, has raised millions of dollars and funded cutting-edge research around the globe.

  • At 41, Scott is among our nation’s younger presidential historians. He teaches presidential communication at the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg School for Communication. Scott serves on the advisory board of the John F. Kennedy Library Foundation and writes about connections between history and modern public life.